Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Many faithful hands contribute their time and talent to create a welcoming and beautiful worship environment at St. Anne’s. Many hand-made, unique design, quilted fabric wall hangings are used in our worship space each liturgical season to help set the tone and theme for the services.  The next few pictures are examples of the artistic and colorful wall hangings we use.  Please join us in these joyful ministries that support and create our worship every Sunday.  Interested in participating?  Contact the office.


The panel hanging near the organ with origami peace cranes was created by the women of St. Anne’s to honor the memory of Nancy Vital, a beloved member of the St. Anne’s congregation.


Our open and flexible worship space is the ideal setting for these works of art.


The Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is essential to St. Anne’s worship, and is composed of devoted members of the St. Anne‘s congregation. Through the artistry and leadership of talented members of the guild, we have enhanced the beauty of the church by creating stunning and unique hangings and vestments.



Our congregation takes an active role in our Sunday liturgy. Lectors read the Old and New Testament lessons and the Prayers of the People. On Pentecost this year, we read the Acts 2:1-21 lesson in American Sign Language, Lao, German, Italian, and English (with a British accent), and the congregation speaks many more languages!


Acolyte means “companion.” Our acolytes support the clergy by leading our procession into worship, at the proclamation of the Gospel, and the recessional. They help with Holy Communion by accepting the offertory and washing the priest’s hands.


Our Ushers are important ministers of hospitality. They greet members and guests as they arrive, and staff coffee hour each week.

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