
Morning Prayer
Sunday February 2nd, 10 a.m.
Please join us in Person and on Zoom!
For Zoom: Click Here
For the Bulletin: Click Here
For the Readings: Click Here

Upcoming Events:

* What is a Symphony Orchestra and How Does It Work? (Part 2)
Giancarlo is giving a three-part lecture series on symphony orchestras at St. Anne’s. The first was December 7, and the next two will be on the Saturdays of February 8 and April 12, at 2:30-4:00 PM. Following each will be a wine and cheese reception.
For Zoom: Click Here

Tri-City Interfaith Council: Paying membership dues online? Use the PayPal function on the left to make your donation, then email Rev. Jeff that you’ve done so at rector@stanneschurch.org. Thanks!

Rector’s email: rector@stanneschurch.org
Office email: office@stanneschurch.org
Office phone: 510-490-0553

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