Community Outreach Ministries

Community Outreach Ministries

Fremont Climate Challenge
Sign up for the Fremont Climate Challenge at this link and join the St. Anne’s Community:

Grateful Garments
St. Anne’s has conducted clothing drives for an organization called Grateful Garments, which gives clean comfortable clothes to victims of sexual abuse for when they leave the hospital. We will let you know when we are able to have a drive again.

Tri-Cities Interfaith Council
St. Anne’s is active in the Tri-City Interfaith Council, which brings together clergy and laypeople from many faith traditions to foster interfaith dialogue and social justice in our community. Our Rector is a member of the leadership team of the Council.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The prayer shawl ministry is one of the quiet ministries that makes St. Anne’s a special place. Parishioners knit or crochet prayer shawls for those in need through illness or crisis. Recently the knitting has expanded to the creation of hats for premature infants. The prayer shawls and infant caps are blessed during the service.

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